For all Replacement Letter Emblems
Included; Map,
promoter packet, pink emblem remover tool, emblem(s)
1. First,
wash the area on the car where you are to mount the emblems with
soap and water. Next, wipe down the area with some rubbing
alcohol. This will help remove any oils that are on the paint
surface. This will not hurt your paint.. If you wax your car
you need to wash your car with Isopropyl solution which can be
found at any hardware store. If the surface of the car
where you are mounting your emblem has any wax, oil (even from
your fingers) you will not get a good bond.
2. Removing the old emblem: Take some masking tape and
outline the log on the bottom, left side (Not the right side),
this will give you the outline of where to mount the new
emblem. So when you are done your will have masking tape on two
sides shaped like an "L" See diagram 1.
3. Take the pink scraper included and carefully pry it
underneath the old emblem (Diagram 2). The tool should remove
the old emblem easily without scratching your paint.
4. Now leaving the masking tape on as a guide, take the
back side off of your "map" sheet and stick it on the car over
the masking tape. Ensure the letters are lined up where
you want them to be. Now peel the front clear sheet off
the "map".
4. Important: Some mounting surfaces will be
curved. Take the new emblem and slightly bend the letters to
match the curve of the car surface they are going to be mounted
on. Try a little bend then set the emblem on the car and see if
it sits right. If it doesn't then try and again until it fits
properly. See diagram 3.
5. Now take your new emblem letters and without
peeling off the backing hold one at a time up to the spot where
it is to be mounted in the appropriate cut out in the map.
Become familiar with where each will mount.
NOTE: You can also mark with a pencil on the masking
tape tick marks of where each letter or symbol begins if you
need exact placement.
Once you are satisfied take your packet of promoter included and
wipe the area inside each letter on the map using the damp
towlette (or pen) where the new emblem letters will mount (this
will not hurt your paint).
6. Peel the liner off the back of the new emblem and
carefully and slowly hold it up to the spot where it is to be
mounted. Gently set the new emblem in place without pressing on
it. Make any tiny adjustments needed see Diagram 3. Now press
firmly on the new emblem all over it's surface to form a tight
bond. Do this for each letter. Remove the map sheet and
the masking tape. You're done!

Diagram 1

Diagram 2
Diagram 3