DODGE VIPER Rear View Mirror Trim
with Logo
ACC-961007 or ACC-961008
Items Included:
1 x
Stainless steel trim ring with Viper head, 1 x Adhesive promoter pen, 1
x Tape Test Kit
Wash your
Vipers’ rear view mirror with a good glass cleaner. Next, take some
rubbing alcohol and wipe along the perimeter of the glass mirror
where you are going to mount the trim. It is imperative that you
remove any oils from the glass. Use the tape test kit to check
to see if the test tape strip sticks to the mirror glass. If
it does go to the next step, it it does not clean until it does.
Take the Rear
View Mirror Trim without removing the back liner and hold it up to
your rear view mirror. Practice positioning it to see how it fits.
Once you are comfortable with the fit remove the liner from the back
to expose the automotive tapes sticky side.
Take the
Promoter Pen and snap it in the middle to break the ampoule inside.
Press it down on a piece of cardboard to get the liquid promoter
flowing. Very carefully using the promoter pen apply the promoter
along the perimeter of the glass rear view mirror. This will help
to enable a tight bond when you install the trim.
Carefully and
slowly hold the trim over the mirror. Gently maneuver it into
place. Do not press it down at first. Once you are comfortable with
the position press the trim down on to the mirror glass. With your
fingers press firmly all along the trim piece so that it sits
completely flat on the glass mirror.
Let dry
overnight before touching or exposing to sunlight or extreme heat.
