Copyright 2005 - 2025 06
patent pending
Stainless Grille Fascia
1 x Black 1 ½’’x 25 ½’’Aluminum Replacement
2 x 1 ½’’Black Washer Head Screws
1 x Notched Stainless Steel Panel Insert
1 x Adhesive Promoter Pack
1 x 4’’Self Stick Furry Pad
4 x 2’’Stainless Decorative Caps
Your new stainless
grille fascia is a unique and awesome looking up grade to your SRT 10
truck. In order to enjoy this new grille you will need to reposition the
A/C condenser using a replacement bracket provided as well as some minor
modifications to a single area on the underside of the hood and two
locations at the headlight mounting brackets for the 2006 models
Your new panel comes to
you with a protective liner. Do not remove liner until installation is
Remove the four
bolts securing both headlights to the radiator support frame. You
will notice a small sensor under one of these bolts on the drivers’
side headlight. This sensor must be repositioned so that it rests to
the side and just behind the headlight bracket. This can be done by
simply flipping the sensor over and inserting it just behind the
headlight bracket. On the 2006 models you will notice a small tongue
at the top of the headlight brackets. This tongue will need to be
shaved flush to the bracket in order to accept the new fascia. This
can easily be done using a common shop cut off wheel.
Remove the top two
A/C condenser brackets. NOTE: these will not be reused. You will
notice three small black screws to the bottom left and right
condenser brackets. Remove these screws and allow the condenser to
slide down to the next set of holes in the condenser core and
reattach. You have been provided with an aluminum replacement
bracket this bracket is to be mounted under the two top radiator
bolts just behind the A/C condenser. Remove these two bolts and
position the aluminum bracket so that its offset holes are facing up
and attach the bracket by reinstalling the bolts. You will notice
that there are small preexisting holes at the top of the condenser
core. Pilot a 9/64th drill thru these top holes on both
sides of the condenser core being ESPECIALLY CAREFUL NOT TO DAMAGE
the core itself. These holes should line up just between the core
tubes and not threaten the core. Pilot the drill thru the core holes
into the aluminum bracket then fasten using the two black washer
head screws provided.
You have been
provided with a small rectangular stainless steel panel which
contains a notch. This panel has been supplied to be placed directly
to the radiator support pillar just behind the passenger side
headlight and will act as an air deflector for the ram air port
built into the new grille fascia. To install simply wipe the pillar
clean of dirt with household rubbing alcohol then swipe once with
the adhesive promoter pack provided. Place the small panel so that
the notch sits over the support gusset at the base of the pillar and
make note of its position. It will be necessary to nudge the
aluminum A/C line back a little to allow this panel to have full
contact with the pillar. Once you can see just how it is to be
installed simply pull the red release liner from the back of the
panel and press it into position.
Remove the black ABS fascia from the back of the hoods grille. It is
fastened with push in type retainers and can easily be separated
from the grille. NOTE: This black fascia is no longer needed and
will not be reused.
You will notice a
tubular grille support bracket mounted behind the grille directly to
the center area of the hoods under frame just to the left of the
hood catch. As you examine this location you will notice a
significant bulge directly in back of this tubular bracket. This
bulge is formed of a stretched and very thin metal. In order to
create adequate clearance for the new fascia this bulge must be
reversed in its shape to more of a right angle indent, much like the
right side of the hood catch plate. We have provided pictures of
just where and how to reverse this shape. See picture #1. (Please
refer to the pictures at the end of these instructions to perform
this task.) Using an air chisel and or a blunt hand chisel, position
the chisel at the center of the bulge and hammer the area until it
puckers into a right angle ridge running horizontally along the
entire back of the bulge. You will find that the metal there is
relatively soft and will conform to your customizing very easily.
Once this step is complete it should look like picture #2. After you
have successfully completed this step seal the modified area with
the self stick furry pad provided. If done correctly there will be
no need to repaint this area the pad will provided adequate
insulation between the hood and the new fascia.
The last thing you
will need to do is to alter the safety catch hook as well as the
safety catch release handle. In some situations the safety catch
release handle may sit lower then the bottom of the hood grille.
This can easily be remedied by adjusting the wire rod attached to
the catch assembly upward until the handle part of the rod no longer
is lower then the bottom of the hood. Finally the hoods safety catch
is manufactured as a relatively long straight down part. In order to
prevent the bottom of the hook from denting the new fascia you will
need to slightly bend the tip off the hook towards the grille. This
can easily be done by clamping the very bottom of the hook only with
a vise grip pliers and force the tip forward. After this step is
completed lower the hood to check that the catch works properly and
that you have maximum pitch. In some situations it may be necessary
to cut the very tip of the hook back about a 1/4 “to achieve maximum
clearance. This can be done using a cut off wheel or a jigsaw with a
metal cutting blade.
After all
modifications have been performed properly, you can now begin
installing your new fascia. Since the new grille fascia is a wide
open part you may want to spray some flat black paint to all the raw
aluminum parts in the radiator area. This will give the grille
fascia the best looking results and is highly recommended. Carefully
place the new fascia into position over the headlight bolt holes
exposed earlier. Be especially careful not to scratch the paint
during placement. (The use of a friend may be helpful). Loosely
place all four headlight bolts into their holes and fasten by hand.
Adjust the fascia so that the unit lines up to the very top of the
radiator support without going over it! Tighten the bolts securely
once this alignment has been made to each side.
You have been
provided with four round stainless steel decorative bolt covers.
These covers can easily be installed by adhering them in place using
100% household clear silicone. Simply place a large dab to the
center of each cover and tape them into position using a 2” masking
tape. Allow a couple of hours to set.
If any questions occur
during installation please call American Car Craft at 727 861-1500.
Note: Care must be
taken when cleaning your cover. It is a good idea to lightly dust your
cover with a clean soft cloth first in order to prevent any particles
from scratching it. Then wipe (using a new clean soft cloth) with a good
quality streak free glass cleaner.


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