DODGE Viper 2 Stainless Steel Engine Strips - Set of 6
Included: 6 x
stainless steel engine strips - peel and stick, one packet of adhesive
1. Wash engine valve cover
factory bare strips thoroughly with grease remover. Then wipe down
with rubbing alcohol. Dry off area with clean rag.
2. Take a piece of masking tape and stick it to each factory bare
strip on your engine. If the tape sticks go to the next step, if
not, clean until tape sticks.
3. Set each stainless steel strip on your factory bare strips.
Line up each to make sure each fits as it should. Once you are
satisfied start with one stainless steel strip at a time.
Take the Adhesive Promoter
packet included and remove tiny pad. Wipe down each stock engine
strip. Let dry for three minutes. Remove the red liner off
the back.
4. Take the first strip to
be mounted and remove the red liner off the back exposing the tape.
Carefully and lightly set the strip into the correct position on top of
the valve cover. Make any final slight adjustments. Once
done press down firmly along entire surface. Continue until all
pieces are mounted.
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